Search for a Plan

This page will help you get started with Search Pla.

API url
Staging: HMO
Production: HMO

GET request

QUery Params

  • minPrice
  • maxPrice
  • planType
  • LocationID
  • priceOrder

Below is a sample response body

    "status": {
        "code": 100,
        "desc": "Plans fetched successfully."
    "entity": [
            "id": "99",
            "created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
            "hmo": "12",
            "name": "P-Gold Individual",
            "price": "5900",
            "status": "1",
            "slug": "p-gold-individual-99",
            "above_status": "0",
            "featured": "0",
            "Plan_type": "Individual",
            "plan_provider": "P-Gold Individual",
            "ward_type": "Private",
            "dental": "Covered",
            "optical_care": "Covered",
            "gym": "Not Covered",
            "an_pn_childbirth": "Covered",
            "gynecology": "Covered",
            "emergency": "Covered",
            "drugs": "Covered",
            "surgery_coverage": "25000000",
            "benefit_detail_link": "",
            "payment_duration": "0",
            "description": null,
            "updated": null,
            "immediate_activation": "1",
            "image_url": "",
            "hmo_name": "Phillips HMO",
            "hosptial_count": "760",
            "total_count": "49"
            "id": "95",
            "created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
            "hmo": "12",
            "name": "P-Bronze Individual",
            "price": "2110",
            "status": "1",
            "slug": "p-bronze-individual-95",
            "above_status": "0",
            "featured": "0",
            "Plan_type": "Individual",
            "plan_provider": "P-Bronze Individual",
            "ward_type": "General",
            "dental": "Covered",
            "optical_care": "Not Covered",
            "gym": "Not Covered",
            "an_pn_childbirth": "Covered",
            "gynecology": "Covered",
            "emergency": "Covered",
            "drugs": "Covered",
            "surgery_coverage": "5000000",
            "benefit_detail_link": "",
            "payment_duration": "0",
            "description": null,
            "updated": null,
            "immediate_activation": "1",
            "image_url": "",
            "hmo_name": "Phillips HMO",
            "hosptial_count": "488",
            "total_count": "49"
            "id": "97",
            "created": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
            "hmo": "12",
            "name": "P-Silver Individual",
            "price": "2920",
            "status": "1",
            "slug": "p-silver-individual-97",
            "above_status": "0",
            "featured": "0",
            "Plan_type": "Individual",
            "plan_provider": "P-Silver Individual",
            "ward_type": "Semi-Private",
            "dental": "Covered",
            "optical_care": "Covered",
            "gym": "Not Covered",
            "an_pn_childbirth": "Covered",
            "gynecology": "Covered",
            "emergency": "Covered",
            "drugs": "Covered",
            "surgery_coverage": "10000000",
            "benefit_detail_link": "",
            "payment_duration": "0",
            "description": null,
            "updated": null,
            "immediate_activation": "1",
            "image_url": "",
            "hmo_name": "Phillips HMO",
            "hosptial_count": "488",
            "total_count": "49"
    "meta": {
        "currentPage": 1,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "totalCount": "49",
        "totalPages": 1

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